You can also hand the check into Dan Anderson at any practice.
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Winter Practice
We plan on practicing indoors once per week by the second week of Jan. We are looking at facilities and scheduling now. Practices are always optional with this team, but make as many as possible because we have a lot to cover before the season starts. My real goal is to have 1 per week, and dedicate one practice monthly entirely to pitching / catching and defensive positional coaching. It's time to start teaching this kids strategic and positional concepts.
We are working on a league schedule with the KVBSA. That should come out later around Feb or March.
Tournament Schedule
As promised, we are looking at playing 3-4 tournaments. Both teams will compete in the same tournaments. As of now, we are pretty sure we will be taking the teams to Sandusky, OH. There is a big possibility of playing at the old Tiger Stadium in Detroit on May 9th. Nothing is final, but those two seem to be good tournaments for us to consider. We will be finalizing the tournaments soon.
We have decided on a bowling 9 pin fundraiser. We will be planning out the details of that shortly. Participation is very important. We plan on doing the one fundraiser and done.
We will be in touch as everything unfolds!